Setting a Default Backup Plan

The default backup plan allows newly created devices to have a pre-selected backup option, streamlining the process of setting up backups across your organization. This guide explains how to set default backup plan for your organization.

Accessing the Default Backup Plan:

  1. Go to Manage My Organization > Options > Edit
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  2. In the Edit modal window, select the "Default backup plan" tab. 
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  3. Use the options provided in the "Default backup plan" tab to select a backup plan.

    • If you want the default backup plan to apply to all newly created subtenants, ensure you tick the following checkbox:

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Important Notes:

  • The default backup plan is only applied to newly created Virtual Machines (VMs) as a pre-selected option during the creation process.

  • The default backup plan does not apply to Private Clouds and the VMs within them.

  • If you choose to apply the default backup plan to subtenants, it will override any existing default plans they may have.