Set up your DNS

We'll show you how to use DNS Zones and their records within the Xelon HQ platform.

Set up your DNS Zone

  1. Networking > DNS Zones tab > Create DNS Zone button
  2. Define Zone's name and make sure you pointed your domains to the listed nameservers, and click Add DNS Zone

Your DNS Zone is now created, and you can access it by clicking on its name in the list of all zones. Within the Zone Dashboard, you can adjust header records (refresh, retry, etc) configuration, and manage host nameserver records. Here's the best practice for each:

  • Usually, header records do not require any changes, they work out of the box. However, you are free to adjust them if needed.
  • Host records come predefined, yet you also can add new ones.

Get assistance for setting up your records by contacting our support.

How to point your domains to Xelon HQ nameservers

You should enter the listed nameservers in your domain name platform's nameserver fields. Here are the guides for most popular DNS platforms: