How swiss IT teams can benefit from the Private Cloud hype

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Private Cloud

Author: Laura Würmli

Category: Cloud / Private Cloud

October 8, 2024

More and more IT teams at medium-sized Swiss companies are opting for a Cloud solution. Private Clouds in particular are more in demand than ever before due to stricter security and data protection requirements and their customisability to the individual needs of a team or company. Find out everything you need to know about Private Clouds here.

Private Clouds are hosted on private servers and the resources and networks are completely separated from other users. Users are given absolute control over the virtual network and business-critical workloads and data are isolated from other users of the Cloud infrastructure. 

But what needs to be considered when choosing the right Cloud provider, and what advantages does a Private Cloud offer in terms of the shortage of skilled labour? find out in this blog post.


What criteria should your Cloud provider fulfil?

  • Support: If your IT team has little experience with Cloud migrations or you are already struggling with long to-do lists in your day-to-day work, you should choose a Cloud provider that offers personalised support and speaks your language. 
  • Planning: Cloud providers for whom customer advice is more than just a buzzword will determine your individual needs in a personal meeting.
  • Migration preparation: As described above, a good Cloud provider will work with you before migrating to the Private Cloud to determine which data should be transferred to the Cloud, support you with data backups and calculate the migration costs and future operating costs.
  • Understanding the market: Only Cloud providers who are familiar with the Swiss market and its peculiarities, know the Swiss Data Protection Act and industry-specific compliance requirements and speak the language of their customers can help SMEs set up a customised Cloud solution. provide SMEs with the best possible support when setting up a customised Private Cloud
  • Monitoring: It is important to ensure that the migration and integration went correctly so that all systems function as planned and access authentication fulfils data security standards.
  • Company location: In times of data leaks and perfidious hacker attacks, most companies want to know where their data is stored. Our infrastructure is located in ISO-certified data centres in Switzerland, Xelon has ISO certifications ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 and all customer data remains in Switzerland at all times.

How can a Private Cloud alleviate the shortage of ICT specialists?

"A Private Cloud can make a significant contribution to recruiting and retaining IT talent," explains Swiss Cloud pioneer and Xelon CEO Michael Dudli. Michi explains the reasons as follows:

  • Relief for IT teams: a stable and secure Private Cloud massively relieves the burden on IT teams, allowing them to focus more on business-relevant work.
  • Attractive working environment: A Private Cloud creates a modern and flexible working environment that is particularly attractive to generations Y and Z.
  • Reduced IT costs: A Private Cloud means less internal ownership. Data centre, virtualisation and network issues are eliminated and no specialists need to be recruited for these areas.

What needs to be considered when migrating?

The renowned market research company Gartner describes the five phases of the relocation process as follows:

  1. Rehost: The first stage is also known as “Lift and Shift” and consists of moving data to a Cloud server

  2. Refactor: The second relocation phase involves the optimization of data. The architecture of the apps remains untouched, but their compatibility with the Cloud-based software is guaranteed.
    Caution: Only if this step is carried out correctly the potential of the Cloud can be fully utilized.

  3. Revise: This pre-migration phase requires architectural adjustments to the applications, including code changes.

  4. Rebuild: The old codes are discarded and the transition to new codes is finalized. You only have to carry out this relatively time-consuming task if the existing software no longer meets the changing business requirements.

  5. Replace: With this fifth and final step, the migration of the native applications to the Cloud-based environment ends and the old data is fully integrated into the new IT system. 

Choosing the right Cloud Provider is crucial in order to benefit from the advantages of a Private Cloud. Especially in times of a shortage of skilled labour, a Private Cloud can not only make IT operations more efficient, but also create a modern, attractive working environment. With the support of an experienced provider who knows the Swiss market and its specific requirements, the transition to the Cloud will be smooth and future-proof.

Are you still unsure whether you should migrate your IT infrastructure to the Cloud? Take the test here.





Laura Würmli



The e-book «Security Trends 2021» provides further insights into the topic of cyber security for Swiss companies. Download it now for free and keep cyber criminals at bay

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